About Us

Our studio was formed by two artists in love with native plants, cats and wildlife. Our name “next of kin” is inspired by the desire to creatively support our human and more than human kin: our family cats, urban locked friends and nearby forest.
We hope to sustain you and the natural world with our stories, illustrated works and handmade wares.

Since our love of nature is at the heart of what we do, we’re always finding ways to give back. We do this by giving our time, design work and a percentage of our profits to these non profit organizations that we work with closely.
We also restore native plant habitats in our spare time. Whenever we get the opportunity plant up areas for wildlife, we do it! Lately we’ve been planting up urban yards with wildlife-friendly native plants. In turn, these gardens become the source of our creative inspiration.
Meet the Artists

Allison is co-founder of Next of Kin Studio and...
A mother of cats
A fresh baked bread fanatic
A lover of chocolate
A reader of short stories
A wearer of knitted sweaters
She likes baby squirrel noises, eating pizza on a cloudy day, the smell of cooked rice and watching plants grow.
A mother of cats
A fresh baked bread fanatic
A lover of chocolate
A reader of short stories
A wearer of knitted sweaters
She likes baby squirrel noises, eating pizza on a cloudy day, the smell of cooked rice and watching plants grow.

Stephen is co-founder of Next of Kin Studio and…
A lover of cozy coffee shops and bookstores
A friend to animals
A drinker of tea
A maker of pickles
A joyful composter
He likes exploring the great outdoors, hanging out with cats, doodling in sketchbooks, the smell of soil and germinating seeds.
A lover of cozy coffee shops and bookstores
A friend to animals
A drinker of tea
A maker of pickles
A joyful composter
He likes exploring the great outdoors, hanging out with cats, doodling in sketchbooks, the smell of soil and germinating seeds.